May 28, 2019

Ariadna 06 (Dogface 1)

WIP of the first animal-guy of the army, same scheme as the others, left arm armor included.

The camo being done, first an airbrush base of Vallejo Light brown:

After that, spots of Citadel´s Skrag Brown, spots of Vallejo Tank brown and a wash of Citadel Seraphim Sepia

The black parts are done with a base of Vallejo Dark Seagreen, then a wash of Citadel Seraphim Sepia (that is really done in all the mini at once), and then some highlights with the base color (Vallejo Dark Seagreen), and then the final highlights with Vallejo´s Barley Grey.

May 7, 2019

Warhammer Underworlds Ironskull´s boys: Gurzag Ironskull

And now the big boss finished.

I tried some texture in the cape but I don´t think it worked that well... No problem, time to learn from mistakes!!