September 24, 2018

Ariadna 01 (Camo Tests)

Here is a new project, an Ariadna army from Infinity the game.

I´ve tried to paint them in a desert/eastern wasteland camo scheme, and here are the first tests:

This was first tried in a tempestus scions banner, I liked it so... let´s go!!:

September 19, 2018

September 16, 2018

September 14, 2018

Khador Behemoth part 5

An now with a head!!!

Khador Behemoth part 4

Now with full arms!!

... and a little mistake in the right shoulder 

September 5, 2018

Khador Behemoth part 3

And the behemoth keeps being painted and built!!

June 12, 2018

Khador Behemoth part 2


Here is the big B with his shoulderpads finished!!

Here in this last photo you can see that I painted gold the part that has the paint chipped off when the torso fell down to the ground:

Comments and criticism is welcome as always!!

February 22, 2018

Khador Behemoth part 1

Here we go!!!

Now my take on the big B!! One of the most iconic Jacks in the game.

As you can see it probably will be the only fully khadorian red miniature in my army (maybe Irusk will be red too... don´t know yet)

I´ve tried to change the classical privateerpress´ Red/Black combo into a more reddish with some gold trimming around (if it is going to be the only red miniature in my army it may well be the reddish one ever!! hehehe).

Looking good in my opinion, this batch was my first real try airbrushing red and I really like it!!

Most of the torso/legs already done!!... couple more touches and let´s go for the arms!