I love the avatar fluff and everything albeit it isn´t the best of the best in the tabletop, but I´ve played it and killed Belial and other 3 termies (just cause the biggest part of the melee was being done by my pa, so it killed almost double the points I spend in buying him (great thing by the way).
I bought the finecast Avatar and it came almost in perfect shape, just some bubbles in the feet and right arm, but apart from this... perfect.
Thing is that I´ve going to paint the inner part of the avatar in a blueish energy way, but is too much complicated for my skills at the moment.
Being a demi-god I wanted him to be kind of a central point in my army, not only in the battlefield but visually too, so I´ve painted it grey with lots of white, which no one in my army has except for Eldrad Ulthran so I´ve achieved the effect in my opinion.
I´ve painted his gems in my army´s classical purple/red but as long as he is painted grey, I decided to paint some of them in the shadow grey colour of my army (adapted for the gems) to give it a more cohesive look in my army.
The mount of the gems is white, as if made of wraithbone.
Here you have a shot of his back to take a look at the grey tones and the back of the head.
I´ve painted the sword gem-like, just to give and ancient-alien look.
The runes were painted with vallejo old gold, highlighted with Vallejo Gold and I´ve put a reflection white dot in each rune to give it a brilliant look.
Other thing: Don´t know why, but in the photos the sword seems to be bended, but in real world it is almost perfectly shaped... what means I´m a crappy photographer :D