It will mostly be a close combat oriented command squad, that is the reason of the energy weapons everywhere.
They will be accompanying my AOBR captain (count as sicarius... post pending), and they will be riding a razorback... mostly.
They are made by mixing the spare pieces of the ravenwing boxes (used to make my ravenwheel), the command squad sprue and the revered Raven Guard Upgrade Pack from Forgeworld.
The upgrade pack from forgeworld is nice, indeed... I need another four to make some guard and vanguard vets.
As you would notice... there is no champion or standard bearer... I think the champion is too expensive for what he adds to the squad (I still will be painting the old metal one to use it in case of need), and the standard bearer... I´m still thinking about the banner, so it will take long.
And now... the guys.
The apothecary: the only forgeworld stuff this guy has is the raven guard shoulderpad, the other things are the standard command squad sprue.
I like his martial artist position :D
The mace one: the power mace is from the Dark Angels upgrade pack which a friend of mine (In Cavda Venenum from "maestros del capitulo") gave me cause I love this weapon, the only change I made is the DA symbol in the wrist.
The Chaaaaaaaarge!!! guy: Another assaulty one, with the classical plasma pistol/power sword combo, power sword that came from the ravenwing sprue.
The pointing guy: he points at the next target with a power fist, he will be the last in deliver the punches, but they will be punches to take care of.